Sunday Gatherings
Going to church might sound scary, so let’s walk through what you can expect:
We talk about the Bible
We believe the Bible speaks truth into life, so we want to take time to hear from it and talk about it. We have a speaker (usually our pastor) share from the Bible.
It might be a bit much the first time you visit, but don’t worry too much (even the pastor yawns in the occasional sermon). We want to understand what the Bible says about life for us today.
We sing
We love Jesus, so we love to sing about Jesus and sing to Jesus. Don’t worry if you don’t know the words, just enjoy your time with us. There’s some standing-sitting business which might seem a little odd, but we’ll let you know when it’s going to happen.
We share
We want to do community together. So, there’s times when we share about what’s happening in life. Don’t worry, most people are too shy anyway, but if you’re bold, why not share with us about your life? After the service, we usually go out for lunch, so stick around, and we’d love to grab a meal with you.